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发布时间:2019-11-29 浏览次数:


一.       招聘岗位


1.     教学科研岗海外留学人才(公共财政学;经济学;税收学;资产评估方向;)


2.     教学科研岗国内应届毕业生与出站博士后(公共财政学;经济学;税收学;资产评估方向;)


二.       资格条件


1.     国内外著名大学本科毕业并取得学士学位;在国内外著名大学或科研机构经过“硕士、博士”学习经历并在20207月前获得学位者;国内博士毕业生、出站博士后所学专业应在全国排名前列;我校教学科研岗原则上不接收本校应届博士毕业生、出站博士后人员(本校的师资博士后除外);


2.     海外留学人才原则上应在海外知名学术期刊公开发表过学术论文或有高水平working paper; 国内应届毕业生一般应至少有1篇文章发表在我校A类及以上核心期刊;


3.     有较强的教学能力,能够主讲学院需要的高水平课程;


4.     具有较高的外语水平,有良好双语教学能力者优先考虑。


三.       报名方式及时间安排


1.     有意申请者请把个人简历、发表过的文章或工作论文、教学成绩、以及两封推荐信发到;            


2.     有意申请者可以在今年一月三日美国AEA年会向我院寇恩惠老师递交申请以及参加面试。请联系寇恩惠老师微信(wechat: keh-wexin)。









The School of Public Finance and Taxation at the Central University of Finance and Economics invites applications for positions at assistant professor level in all fields of public finance, assets appraisal, and taxation starting in Fall 2020. Interested applicants may set-up an interview with Dr. En-Hui Kou (Wechat:keh-wexin) at the upcoming AEA conference hosted in San Diego, CA.

Applicants are expected to engage in quality research and teaching. Teaching will be at the undergraduate, M.A. and Ph.D. levels in Chinese or English. The position requires a Ph.D. (or expected completion in May 2020) in Economics, Finance, or Accounting. Applicants with high-quality research and aim to publish in top-tier journals are highly encouraged to apply.                


An application should include the following items in a single PDF document:          


l  Application letter;          


l  Curriculum vitae;          


l  Samples of scholarly work or publications;          


l  Teaching evaluation ( if applicable).          


The application package and recommendation letters to, and the submission deadline is January 15th, 2020.            



Central University of Finance and Economics            


School of Public Finance and Tax            


November 29th, 2019            



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