中央财经大学是我国历史最为悠久的财经人才培养基地之一,和共和国同龄,素有 “财经黄埔”的美誉。B体育APP官网下载是最早设立的院系之一,财政学、税收学、资产评估学科都建立了从本科到博士的完整培养体系,并设有博士后流动站,毕业生遍布社会经济发展的多个重要领域。在“双一流”建设中,学院不断进取,加强国际交流合作,超过60%的教师具有海外留学或访学经历,教师的国际化水平得到不断提升,与美国印第安纳大学、美国雪城大学、澳大利亚新南威尔士大学、韩国首尔市立大学、荷兰莱顿大学、俄罗斯乌拉尔联邦大学等海外院校建立了学生交流、学术互访和合作研究机制。本次研修项目是孔子学院总部/国家汉办“新汉学计划”在财税领域的第一个项目,必将进一步促进海外优秀青年学子对于中国财税问题的关注和研究。
1. 非中国籍人士,年龄在40岁以下,英语流利;
2. 来自各国大学、科研机构或智库等,对中国财税研究感兴趣的专家学者;
3. 财税相关领域有5年以上从业经验者。
中央财经大学 钱老师(邮件lxs@cufe.edu.cn; 电话:86-10-62288286)
Confucius China Studies Program
Young Leaders Fellowship in China’s Fiscal System
Program Information
Confucius China Studies Program - Young Leaders Fellowship in China’s Fiscal System is a 2-week research program offered to high-achieving young individuals around the world. Recipients of the fellowship will increase their knowledge and expertise in the reforms and practices of China’s fiscal system through expert-led seminars as well as field trips to China’s fiscal authorities, star enterprises, and tax firms. From the perspective of China’s fiscal system, various topics will be expounded on, including China’s economic development, e-commerce, international trade, etc. Fellowship recipients will also experience Chinese traditional culture as well as China’s modern prosperity.
Sponsored by Confucius Institute Headquarters (Hanban) and organized by Central University of Finance and Economics, the program is tailored to Chinese and foreign tax elites to enhance mutual understanding and cooperation.
Duration: July 15th - July 26th, 2019 (12 days)
Visiting Cities: Beijing (Arrival) – Foshan, Guangdong – Guangzhou (Departure)
Non-Chinese citizens under 40, proficient in English
Experts and scholars from universities, research institutes or think tanks with keen interests in China’s fiscal and taxation research
A minimum work experience of 5 years in the field
Roundtrip international airfare (economy class)
Accommodation and travel expenses in China
Comprehensive Accident Insurance
Contact Information
Person: Frank, Central University of Finance and Economics
e-mail: lxs@cufe.edu.cn;
Tel: 86-10-62288286
Application Deadline
June 1st, 2019
Required documents
Application Form
A scanned copy of passport
A letter of recommendation from the currently employed institute
【撰稿】何杨 【审核】白彦锋